
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Graduation speech

*Before I actually begin this speech I would like to say that, yes, I'm graduating from my middle school and every time I would like to say the School's name I will put [School name] for safety reasons thanks for reading.

Hello [School name], my name is Alex and I'm sure you know that most if not everyone of the 8th graders and 8th grade team knows it. Most of my friends and acquaintances also know me as a gamer and the name itself just means I play video games, obviously, and in those games I get achievements for doing certain things like finishing the game or beating an enemy and usually it's a difficult task that rewards with points based on how the game designers think how much it's worth such as 500 or 1000 points and today everyone of you, my friends, my classmates all got an achievement for beating the game know as 8th grade.
So what does mean this mean for the future? Well I never said that you stop getting achievements and I never said you had to be a completionist but some if not all of you strive to be a completionist, to be the best of whats expected and to finish the journey of life with the highest amount of points and be on top of everything else rather than just completing and doing what's expected.
All in all achievements are what we strive for they make us feel content with ourselves and give a meaning for us to keep pushing on rather than turning off the game and never playing again, but today classmates you and I beat the game of 8th grade and now it's time to play a new game called high school, a harder version of 8th grade with new ideas but with the same concept and pretty soon we'll be playing College the final game in the series and then play a new series called Life where you see yourself starting a family and getting a good paying job and all in all being happy.
And now I think it's time to say that you just unlocked this achievement.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The game that's been sweeping the nation with faster pulses and even faster reflexes

So if you're school hasn't been living under a Dwayne Johnson then you probably have heard of Kahoot or even better have played it so why am I bringing this up, well to the people who read this god-awful blog you will now find out that I have a Kahoot and in fact I have a new one which you can play right here:

So I hope you enjoy it, it's really easy, tell me your thoughts about my Kahoot, Kahoot in general, or testing/quizzes. I try to read and respond to the comments but I'm not making money off of this and I've only hit 2 or 3 continents of about 3 people from each one (sorry to those in those continents please don't be offended) so comments are scarce besides a few people (not talking about my buddies and classmates just random people from random blogs not people I am personally affiliated with).

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The TRUE ending to Harry Potter

Suddenly Harry awoke to the sound of his parents making breakfast, he gladly accepted that his parents were alive and that they were "muggles" although he was sad that his adventures with his friends in "Hogwarts" were all in his imagination. Harry then thought to himself what he really would do in situations like the ones he had in his dreams. But Harry also remembered not to dwell on the thoughts of the imagination as they do not exist. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Field Trips+Can we have more

                 So recently our class went on a field trip to the Holocaust museum...yeah such a "happy" trip it greatly increased our morale . But then I got to thinking why can't we go on more? Obviously it's the field trip budget problem in my school and none of the students are oblivious to that fact and, in reality I don't mind it at all it's really OK with me as I'm used to it by now not going on field trips as really it;s not a big deal. Oh sure you might say that "It's a fun time being away from school for a day and lets focus on that "for a day"it's one day away from school and no you aren't home doing whatever you want you are on a paid trip to the whatever area to the "insert subject" museum yes it might be fun but really you are still learning. And don't get me wrong I do enjoy museums, in fact I'm going to a few over my spring break, but when you compare to something like missing school you really do lose your argument there because, once again, you're learning. Well that's enough ranting about field trips I hope all of you who actually take the time to read this (still waiting on someone from Russia to read this) enjoyed my rant, man it felt good to get that off my chest.
Image result for sigh of relief face

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Monday March 7th, 2016

Dear Diary,
     I have realized that it has been a long time since I've felt the touch of sun on my skin as the winter continues the sun does not shine but today was one of the first days I have felt the sunlight here. I have also realized that our History test on WWII is tomorrow I almost always get a good grade and for the past 2 quarters I've gotten A's as my overall grade so I believe I can do the same this quarter and hopefully I can ace this test as well it seems easy enough just common sense and remembering what we learned. But back to today the weather is perfect sunshine perfect 7 A.M. weather and feel, a feel or aura you can't exactly describe it its just something you experience, it was 50 degrees F and accidentally wore a heavy/warm coat so when I did go outside I unzipped it.
    Also today I saw NSP released their new cover album on Spotify and I already put it into my playlist in fact I'm listening to it now specifically "Misunderstanding" and Danny Avidan's voice is amazing especially in this album. I had a hard time sleeping last night I tried listening to music and tried so many things but eventually I fell asleep at 3:00 A.M. so technically it has to do with today but for some reason I am bright and early to wake up no yawning, no stretching, nothing I have no idea how I am doing this.
    But the day is soon to end now my classes were the same all except for Gym where we had a lot of fun playing Frisbee, Diego accidentally hit Moiz in the chest but they laughed it off they are friends after all. Besides that my day was the same, same classes same subjects, etc., etc., but in the end it was an alright day.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

"Don't quote me on that"- Anonymous, 20XX

"Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi's life. So you might say that we are encouraged to love."-Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars

Why is this quote important to me? Well besides being from Star Wars this really connects with because even a powerful person, such as a Jedi, needs love to stay sane and I believe that is truly beautiful. Why did I choose this quote out of all the others? Again, besides being from Star Wars, you can learn a lot from this quote such as knowing how large compassion really is "...unconditional love..." love can be so powerful it is beyond any normal conditions showing that this may be the most powerful force (besides the other one) and I think that with this we can see beyond the boundaries of love to see that it's more than just a word to see that it is an emotion within us all. " essential to a Jedi's life." love is so powerful it is needed to survive, not just in a fictional world but in reality, we need love to continue the human race and to continue the race of all species living within our ecosystem(s). In conclusion, love is needed to live and to be happy for all of our sakes, so go out there and tell your parent or guardian or whoever is near and dear to your heart "I love you" or something among those lines and really mean it, trust me it'll make them happy.

Monday, February 29, 2016


Finally Leonardo DiCaprio won the Oscar he deserves. But now what meme can we make out of Leo? I realize there are a lot of other important topics and/or memes but Leo not getting the Oscar was pretty funny at times and now he has no meme of him. We can look at the past and laugh at how he came close to it but never got it but in reality he did get it just yesterday at the time I'm writing this (2/29/16). So what does this mean now? What meme can we create out of Leo? The answer... one about him getting it, does it seem Yeah I can agree with you it's not really something we can laugh at but it's something. Anyways I leave you with a Happy Leap Year and a Happy no Leo meme day also much love to Leonardo DiCaprio and his movies!

Image result for Leonardo dicaprio meme
just kidding :)

Sunday, February 7, 2016

A little Мацдоналдс in Русииа

         On one sunny day Сасча was riding his horse to Макдоналдс when he realized there was no place to park his horse so the most logical solution was to disguise it as a car. Most people were probably at home during 9:00 on a Saturday so maybe no one would notice little did he know there was a Police Officer in the Макдоналдс. When he did go inside, after countless talks with his horse Толстосы to stay still and act natural, Сасча ordered 1 cheeseburger but asked the cheese to be on the side (he has to feed Толстосы somehow), 1 large milkshake, 1 parfait, and medium fries all in all it cost 770.10 so about $10.00 but the police officer looked outside and saw Толстосы as Сасча was walking towards Толстосы so the police officer went outside and said "Do you have a permit to park this horse in a public area sir?" Сасча froze he didn't know what to do or say but he admitted to his fault he got a ticket and paid for it and rode his horse all the way back home to Тикчвин.

Have fun with google translate post what every thing means in the comments!

Picture belongs to it's rightful owner(s).

Sunday, January 31, 2016

My demon child

So recently I've adopted a demon child hes got a circle head, 5 finger, 2 toes, no knees, round eyes, a pig nose not a big nose a pig nose, he's got a big belly, long arms, fat lips, eye lashes, little ears, a long neck, small feet, long hair, big thumbs, eyebrows, curly hair, horns (that's why he's a demon), tail, and surprisingly a halo, not the game made by Bungie but an actual halo, and he's had some trouble in school. First of all hes been a bit of a bully and he's only in sixth grade. And second of all from what I've heard, along the with the principal's office visits, he's beaten up 6 kids, stolen 6 pencils without given them back, and cheated 6 times on different tests. I don't know what's gotten into him, sure he has been a troublemaker, but not like this, well not a lot like this, OK maybe not exactly like this...yeah he's been like this before. And I don't know what to do he's having a rough time in school keeping his grades up and has only made a few friends most of them I'm not too sure about but the parents are nice. Can anyone help me? If you can post suggestions in the comments about how to deal with this I'm obviously not an amazing parent or "super-dad" so if you guys have dealt with a demon child and/or a misbehaving child tell me how to deal with said child. Thank you.

This is Algoro that is his name he is male although he does look female he is male.

Image result for evil devil grin

Food-an accident waiting to happen

         Recently I've been on a streak of dropping my food...a lot. This all started back in the summer of '86... just kidding it was really during the winter of November-January of 2015-2016 when I started noticing I've been dropping food on the floor by accident, I have no idea though my hands aren't shaky or wobbly and my balance was fine maybe I was careless but back to the story, and the first instance I can remember was dropping all my McDonald's fries on the basement floor.
         What happened was I going down the stair holding all my McDonald's food-fries,burger, and soda-and silly me goes ahead and drops the fires hearing them slide across the (cardboard?) of the packet they're held in and landing in the corner of the final stair. And was I mad, I picked out the hair and dust and ran some fires over the water (getting rid of the grease and oil too) AND  STILL hair and dust was still on them so I picked them out and to this day I am dropping food, not as often, but I am sometimes dropping it.
          So the moral of this story is if you want a good meal and you're "a bit" clumsy WRAP UP EVERYTHING.

Image result for mcdonalds fries with sad face

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Background Change

Welp it seems as though a new president will be selected soon so I decided to change my background just in case Trump becomes president and forces me to leave America for acts of treason. So I'm off to hypnotize some people to do my bidding, bye!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Portal 2

Hello my 3 readers of this blog, today I will talk about my favorite video game (right next to the Half Life  games and TF2), Portal 2! Portal 2 is puzzle game with an amazing story taking place a few (unknown time and amount)s from the original with Wheatly the British robot core leading you through the Aperture science facility and as the beginning goes on you start to get used the mechanics mostly going through the portals you put down on walls on the ceilings on floors everywhere you can and all while dodging lasers, avoiding turrents, putting down companion cubes, and even pressing buttons but those are only the basic obstacles there is so much more to be discovered and if you're a PC gamer you can pick up the game on Steam or if your a console gamer you can get it on the PS3 and XB360 so go ahead and get the game I can go into this and create a book on it but I do not have the time and patience for that so I'll let game speak for itself so get it for $19.99 today.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

My Terrible "Reservoir Dogs" Review

Reservoir Dog is a great movie which started Quentin Tarantino's style of filming and directing (and a bit of acting. Reservoir Dog's is a bit of a mystery and action drama about 6 people with 2 bosses trying to figure out the snitch of a robbery they just committed, many are accused many die many don't even get to the safe house, but one thing is for sure-someone will get caught. If you want an official review here some links to some reviews on review sites: IMDB- , Rotten Tomatoes- , Metacritic-

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Years Resolution

For my new years resolution I want to put more time aside for studying because I want to strive to be a straight "A" student and  really earn my grades. I don't know exactly how I will achieve it but I what I know I can do is actually get some time aside and actually study for at least 30 minutes and hopefully my grades will stay high. It's all worth a try.

Junk food
Slacking off
B's and C's

Healthier choices
A's only A's