
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Graduation speech

*Before I actually begin this speech I would like to say that, yes, I'm graduating from my middle school and every time I would like to say the School's name I will put [School name] for safety reasons thanks for reading.

Hello [School name], my name is Alex and I'm sure you know that most if not everyone of the 8th graders and 8th grade team knows it. Most of my friends and acquaintances also know me as a gamer and the name itself just means I play video games, obviously, and in those games I get achievements for doing certain things like finishing the game or beating an enemy and usually it's a difficult task that rewards with points based on how the game designers think how much it's worth such as 500 or 1000 points and today everyone of you, my friends, my classmates all got an achievement for beating the game know as 8th grade.
So what does mean this mean for the future? Well I never said that you stop getting achievements and I never said you had to be a completionist but some if not all of you strive to be a completionist, to be the best of whats expected and to finish the journey of life with the highest amount of points and be on top of everything else rather than just completing and doing what's expected.
All in all achievements are what we strive for they make us feel content with ourselves and give a meaning for us to keep pushing on rather than turning off the game and never playing again, but today classmates you and I beat the game of 8th grade and now it's time to play a new game called high school, a harder version of 8th grade with new ideas but with the same concept and pretty soon we'll be playing College the final game in the series and then play a new series called Life where you see yourself starting a family and getting a good paying job and all in all being happy.
And now I think it's time to say that you just unlocked this achievement.


  1. I really liked that speech I think many people can relate as what you're trying to say. And also in the first paragraph last couple of words it says " game know as 8th grade." Shouldn't it be " game Known as 8th grade." Again I really liked the speech.

  2. I thought the speech was really great, not entirely relatable, but much different from casual speeches. I thought comparing games and school was really original in this matter and how you explained life as a video game.
