
Sunday, January 31, 2016

My demon child

So recently I've adopted a demon child hes got a circle head, 5 finger, 2 toes, no knees, round eyes, a pig nose not a big nose a pig nose, he's got a big belly, long arms, fat lips, eye lashes, little ears, a long neck, small feet, long hair, big thumbs, eyebrows, curly hair, horns (that's why he's a demon), tail, and surprisingly a halo, not the game made by Bungie but an actual halo, and he's had some trouble in school. First of all hes been a bit of a bully and he's only in sixth grade. And second of all from what I've heard, along the with the principal's office visits, he's beaten up 6 kids, stolen 6 pencils without given them back, and cheated 6 times on different tests. I don't know what's gotten into him, sure he has been a troublemaker, but not like this, well not a lot like this, OK maybe not exactly like this...yeah he's been like this before. And I don't know what to do he's having a rough time in school keeping his grades up and has only made a few friends most of them I'm not too sure about but the parents are nice. Can anyone help me? If you can post suggestions in the comments about how to deal with this I'm obviously not an amazing parent or "super-dad" so if you guys have dealt with a demon child and/or a misbehaving child tell me how to deal with said child. Thank you.

This is Algoro that is his name he is male although he does look female he is male.

Image result for evil devil grin

Food-an accident waiting to happen

         Recently I've been on a streak of dropping my food...a lot. This all started back in the summer of '86... just kidding it was really during the winter of November-January of 2015-2016 when I started noticing I've been dropping food on the floor by accident, I have no idea though my hands aren't shaky or wobbly and my balance was fine maybe I was careless but back to the story, and the first instance I can remember was dropping all my McDonald's fries on the basement floor.
         What happened was I going down the stair holding all my McDonald's food-fries,burger, and soda-and silly me goes ahead and drops the fires hearing them slide across the (cardboard?) of the packet they're held in and landing in the corner of the final stair. And was I mad, I picked out the hair and dust and ran some fires over the water (getting rid of the grease and oil too) AND  STILL hair and dust was still on them so I picked them out and to this day I am dropping food, not as often, but I am sometimes dropping it.
          So the moral of this story is if you want a good meal and you're "a bit" clumsy WRAP UP EVERYTHING.

Image result for mcdonalds fries with sad face

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Background Change

Welp it seems as though a new president will be selected soon so I decided to change my background just in case Trump becomes president and forces me to leave America for acts of treason. So I'm off to hypnotize some people to do my bidding, bye!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Portal 2

Hello my 3 readers of this blog, today I will talk about my favorite video game (right next to the Half Life  games and TF2), Portal 2! Portal 2 is puzzle game with an amazing story taking place a few (unknown time and amount)s from the original with Wheatly the British robot core leading you through the Aperture science facility and as the beginning goes on you start to get used the mechanics mostly going through the portals you put down on walls on the ceilings on floors everywhere you can and all while dodging lasers, avoiding turrents, putting down companion cubes, and even pressing buttons but those are only the basic obstacles there is so much more to be discovered and if you're a PC gamer you can pick up the game on Steam or if your a console gamer you can get it on the PS3 and XB360 so go ahead and get the game I can go into this and create a book on it but I do not have the time and patience for that so I'll let game speak for itself so get it for $19.99 today.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

My Terrible "Reservoir Dogs" Review

Reservoir Dog is a great movie which started Quentin Tarantino's style of filming and directing (and a bit of acting. Reservoir Dog's is a bit of a mystery and action drama about 6 people with 2 bosses trying to figure out the snitch of a robbery they just committed, many are accused many die many don't even get to the safe house, but one thing is for sure-someone will get caught. If you want an official review here some links to some reviews on review sites: IMDB- , Rotten Tomatoes- , Metacritic-

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Years Resolution

For my new years resolution I want to put more time aside for studying because I want to strive to be a straight "A" student and  really earn my grades. I don't know exactly how I will achieve it but I what I know I can do is actually get some time aside and actually study for at least 30 minutes and hopefully my grades will stay high. It's all worth a try.

Junk food
Slacking off
B's and C's

Healthier choices
A's only A's